gameshow podcast

new episodes fortnightly

At the intersection of Accounting, Shenanigans, and Bromance, Tyler and Jeremy host the world's okay-est Finance and Accounting game show. Listeners should be ready for some knowledge bombs, tom-foolery, and maybe a nugget of wisdom (if they're lucky).

Come play along and see how well you can do against our hosts!


Finance & Accounting Trivia

Can you beat Tyler & Jeremy with your financial know-how? Probably. You'll have to play along to find out!


App Snack

We review an app or software and give our honest feedback.


Fast Figures

Put your accounting skills to the test in this rapid-fire mathematical round.


Finance & Accounting Trivia

We'll bring you the latest news in the world of finance. Is it always relevant? Nope. But we promise it will be interesting!


PITA of the Week

We nominate the week's biggest annoyance. Can you relate?


Winner/Loser of the Week

We discuss the winner and loser of the week and why, based on no discernible criteria.

As promised in Episode 8*

*We'd like to take credit for this, but Tyler's assistant made it.

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